Alaska Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory

CLIENT Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities for the Alaska Department of Public Safety

Location Anchorage, AK

The Alaska Department of Public Safety’s Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory is an 84,000 SF, three-story building with two wings separated by a central atrium.

The building houses crime detection laboratories and administrative offices, an interior ballistics testing range, sally port for DPS vehicles and forensic vehicle investigations, and associated parking, entrance roads and pedestrian walkways. The project site encompasses 15.6 acres in east Anchorage.
Shannon & Wilson provided preliminary geotechnical studies to determine feasibility of the intended site for the project, located in an undeveloped area with prevalent wetlands. Subsurface explorations including borings were conducted, as well as laboratory testing of the samples in Shannon & Wilson’s Anchorage laboratory. We provided a Geotechnical Report with recommendations regarding foundations and floor slab support, and recommendation for additional site condition explorations.



Ryan Collins

Stafford Glashan
Senior Engineer

Russell Hepner
Geotechnical Staff

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