Christian Canfield
Environmental Staff
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) personnel and other agencies used aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) to extinguish petroleum fires during training exercises and emergency events.
Recognized by the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) for our technical excellence with this emerging contaminant and public relations projects, Shannon & Wilson, Inc. was immediately hired to identify and sample private water-supply wells for PFAS. Private drinking-water wells are common in neighborhoods surrounding the airport. From November 2017 to date, we have sampled over 190 private water wells within an approximately one- by three-mile area as part of this ongoing project.
PFAS concentrations in over 100 private wells exceed the recommended level for drinking water. Some of these properties were connected to the municipal water system in 2018 as a long-term alternate water source. The remainder are receiving drinking-water deliveries and will be connected in 2019. We are also planning for source area characterization and remediation, onsite water treatment, and monitoring well installation.
Christian Canfield
Environmental Staff
Christopher Darrah
Vice President, Fairbanks Office Manager
Kristen Freiburger
Senior Associate
Fawn Glassburn
Geology Staff
Tiffany Green
Environmental Scientist
Ashley Jaramillo
Senior Chemist
Russ Schwab
Vice President, Chief Technology Officer
Rachel Willis
Environmental Scientist
Adam Wyborny
Environmental Engineer