Thomas Abkemeier
Vice President, Saint Louis Office Manager
The expansion and combination of the two lakes was accomplished by enlarging the Lake Fort Smith Dam from the original top of dam elevation 845 ft. to elevation 946 ft. A portion of Lake Shepherd Springs Dam was removed and used in the construction of the enlarged Lake Fort Smith Dam. Major structures for the project included Lake Fort Smith Dam, outlet works tower, outlet works tunnel, principal spillway, and the auxiliary spillway.
Shannon & Wilson provided design services, including geologic analysis, geotechnical analysis, embankment design, construction phasing/sequencing, borrow source identification and evaluation, tunnel design, instrumentation design, and cost estimating. Our geologic analysis included a review of aerial photographs; detailed mapping of the existing rock outcrops, faults, and joints; detailed examination of the project area for problem areas, including earth and rock slides; and a regional seismic evaluation. We explored the subsurface conditions for the project with a series of borings and test pits. Geotechnical analysis included embankment stability, seepage, and settlement; rock cut slope stability for the auxiliary spillway and the outlet works excavation; tunnel support; principal spillway foundation; misc. retaining walls; and landslide remediation during construction.
Shannon & Wilson provided construction observation on this project from when construction began through completion, and we continue to perform the annual inspection of the embankment, principal spillway, auxiliary spillway, outlet works, and misc. project features.
Thomas Abkemeier
Vice President, Saint Louis Office Manager
James Dutt
Hollie Ellis
Scott Garbs
Roberto Guardia
Vice President
Klaus Winkler
Associate Vice President