Route 10 Jones Hole Road

CLIENT National Wildlife Refuge, US Fish and Wildlife

Location Uintah County, UT

Shannon & Wilson performed the pavement evaluation, subsurface investigation, and provided design and rehabilitation recommendations for Jones Hole Road, a 13.4-mile access road to the Jones Hole National Fish Hatchery.

The Jones Hole Road alignment traverses mountainous topography and relatively steep grade and elevation changes (5,600 to 7,300 feet) and numerous switchbacks for approximately the western 10.7 miles.  Shannon & Wilsons geotechnical investigation consisted borings through the pavement structure at 1-mile intervals with a few additional borings as specified distress locations as well as pavement cores at 1/4-mile intervals.  The primary rehabilitation considered for the roadway consists of full depth reclamation (FDR) and cement treated FDR the specified destress locations.

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