David Asunskis
The project included installation of approximately 2,200 lineal feet of storm drain along West Florida Avenue, installation of approximately 3,000 lineal feet of storm sewer along South Acoma and adjacent streets, and the construction of a short (150-foot-long) outfall from Overland Lake to the South Platte River.
We implemented a field exploration and laboratory testing program to evaluate subsurface soil, rock, and groundwater conditions at specific locations along the project alignment. Laboratory testing was completed on soils retrieved from the borings to determine index and physical properties of the subsurface materials. Shannon & Wilson prepared recommendations for groundwater control, excavation, trench support and slopes, pipe foundation and backfilling, reuse of existing soils as backfill, trenchless crossings, and corrosion potential.
APWA Colorado Chapter - Award Winner for Engineering/ Construction Management
David Asunskis
Gregory Fischer
Matt Grizzell
Senior Associate
Roberto Guardia
Vice President