Morgan Sanger is a staff engineer with field and technical experience in the geotechnical and environmental disciplines. Morgan’s field experiences include subsurface soil sampling; Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampling; test pit, mud rotary, hollow stem auger, HQ3 wireline rock coring, and sonic core subsurface exploration techniques; instrumentation; vibration monitoring; groundwater monitoring well and vibrating wire piezometer (VWP) installation; environmental soil sampling; subsurface vapor sampling; groundwater sampling; and emergency rockfall and landslide reconnaissance.
As an FAA-certified unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) pilot, and the lead pilot for Shannon & Wilson’s Seattle Office, Morgan uses drones to conduct photogrammetric and multi-spectral site surveys, responds to emergency reconnaissance needs, and processes the UAV survey data. Morgan’s technical experiences include geotechnical earth pressure, bearing capacity, liquefaction, and settlement analyses; seismic site classification; soil and rock slope stability analyses; rock mass characterization and kinematic analyses; instrumentation and remote monitoring; rockfall hazard mitigation design; hydraulic fracture analyses; and geotechnical report preparation.
Morgan’s environmental experiences include Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments (ESAs), remediation investigations, and feasibility studies.